Improve quality to develop supporting industry

To promote the development of the supporting industry, according to experts, in addition to the policies of the State and banks, each enterprise must constantly upgrade itself and improve its quality.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the country currently has about 5,000 processing enterprises participating in the supply of components and spare parts for the automobile and mechanical industries. Of which, 70% of enterprises participate in supplying domestic manufacturers, 8% supply exporters and 17% participate in supplying both. Some other products are also being supplied sufficiently domestically and exported to some markets around the world, such as electric cables, gearboxes, plastic components, etc. The main export markets are Korea, Japan, China, and the United States.

To promote the development of the supporting industry, according to this expert, Vietnam needs to identify “potential seeds” and have important support policies, especially support for leading enterprises. From there, these “leading cranes” will attract and build links with businesses and related institutions, creating a sustainable supporting industrial ecosystem.

To do this, authorities need to soon invest in building product research and development centers, supporting businesses to improve their design capacity, develop new products, high-tech products, and move towards creating a “Made in Vietnam” supply chain. In particular, capital support policies from authorities must be consistent, limiting changes to help businesses have conditions to invest and develop.

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