Creating an attraction for Supporting Industry: The role of localities

With many efforts from the Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other ministries and branches, along with the initiative from enterprises, in recent times, Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises have increased their participation in the supply chains of multinational corporations, and the supply capacity of enterprises is no longer a concern as in previous years.

In particular, the model of cooperation in developing supporting industries between the Central Government, local authorities and leading enterprises is one of the typical cooperation programs that the Ministry of Industry and Trade has implemented, recording many positive results. A number of enterprises have successfully applied the innovation model, improved production efficiency, gradually approached and met the strict standards of the global value chain. Participating in the program, localities have also shown a more active role in supporting and accompanying enterprises.

However, in general, to date, localities have been quite passive in implementing industrial development policies in general and supporting industries in particular. The development and implementation of policies, the development of separate supporting industries, especially the allocation of resources and attracting investment in this field are still limited. Meanwhile, the majority of Vietnamese industrial enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises, and their operations are closely linked to the locality.

Therefore, there is a need for more solutions to enhance the role of localities in implementing synchronous policies from the Central Government, promoting the business community to participate more deeply in the supply chain.

This issue will be shared from more diverse and in-depth perspectives at today’s Seminar organized by Industry and Trade Magazine. The Seminar has the theme: “Creating attraction for supporting industries: The role of localities”.

The seminar will be attended by the following guests:

– Mr. Pham Tuan Anh – Deputy Director of the Department of Industry, Ministry of Industry and Trade

– Mr. Nguyen Trung Hieu – Head of Business Planning Department, Toyota Vietnam Automobile Company

– Mr. Duong Minh Hai – Production Director, KIMSEN Industrial Joint Stock Company

– Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trung – Director of CNCTech Thang Long, CNCTech Group

– Mr. Le Khac Bao – Deputy Head of Industrial Management Department, Department of Industry and Trade of Hai Phong City (online connection)

The content of the seminar will focus on sharing the following issues:

(i) Summarizing the system of policies for supporting industry development from the Central to the localities;

(ii) Proposing effective models to promote supporting industry development;

(iii) Assessing the current status of implementing policies on supporting industries in localities, the need for support from enterprises for localities, thereby pointing out the advantages and difficulties, and remaining problems in the actual implementation process;

(iv) Short-term, medium-term and long-term policy recommendations to promote the role of localities in developing supporting industries.

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